로그인 회원가입

너절하게 하다 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • slobber
  • 하다    하다11 [행하다] do; perform; undertake;
  • 너절하다    너절하다1 [허름하다] shabby; worn out; threadbare; unsightly; ugly; unpresentable; sloppy. 너절한 의복 shabby clothes / sloppy dress. 너절한 환경 shabby surroundings.2 [시시하다] poor; shabby; worthless; paltry; petty;
  • 불친절하게 대하다    disoblige
  • 어리둥절하게 하다    knock somebody’s socks off; embarrass; confuse; overshadow; fluster; maze; befuddle; flummox; perplex; befog
  • 짐짓 친절하게 대하다    condescend
  • 절하다    curtsy; bow; curtsey; bow down
  • 불친절하게    unkindly; unfriendly; inhospitably
  • 애절하게    piteously
  • 적절하게    come to think of it; by the way; appositely; obiter; parenthetically; apropos; incidentally
  • 친절하게    obligingly; genially; decently; gentlemanly; kindly
  • 거절하다    disprove; disown; refute; reject; deny; refuse; confute; dismiss; decline; abjure; renounce; rebut; contemn; disavow; pass up; turn down; disdain; resile; eject; fend off; disclaim; repudiate
  • 근절하다    uproot; exterminate; root out; eliminate; extirpate; stamp out; destroy
  • 기절하다    swoon; faint
  • 난절하다    scarify
  • 단절하다    die out; terminate; cut; separate; become extinct; sever
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